
Futari wa pretty cure max heart
Futari wa pretty cure max heart

futari wa pretty cure max heart

Come on, let's go to that new Tako place to celebrate." Fuji-P held out his arm for Nagisa who giggled but then drooled at the mention of her favorite food."Tako.yaki… It's been aaaaaaaaageeeess!" Fuji-P laughs as he opens the door for his wife, holding her coat for her. "When she came back, she mentioned something about being rescued by the Pretty Cures.""…it must be in her imagination due to shock? I mean, she watches too many magical girl anime. "Ha-ha, I can't believe you used to be embarrassed just looking at me when we were teen." Nagisa playfully hit him before asking: "Speaking of… do you remember some duo named Pretty Cure?""Pretty Cure… No, doesn't ring a bell, why?""Saki… was kidnapped, b-but she's alright now!" Nagisa suddenly added as Fuji-P's expression changed into furious one but sighed in relieved. Fuji-P kissed back but as their broke up, he let out a giggle. He rubbed his arms around hers up and down."Nagisa, Kazumi's in all that due to Tomo being missing, remember that." Nagisa sighed."If you want to make sure, we can get her a scanner on her body?" Nagisa nodded in agreement."That'd be nice." She smiled at Fuji-P, turning around to give him a kiss. She looks stressed, tired and I'm afraid it's the symptoms of…" Fuji-P knew where she was going with that statement. He could feel his wife getting chills as he did that."You're bad at hiding emotions, y'know that?" Nagisa pouted, making him giggle."Kazumi… has been acting so weird. He put his hands onto her shoulders, breathing near her neck. Remember, the surgery took the cancer out of my cells and… I got damn lucky." Fuji-P suddenly dropped the gifts and wrapped his arms around her again, pulling her closer."And I'm damn lucky to have you," he replied, making Nagisa blush like a tomato."F-F-Fuji-P!" Fuji-P only smirked at that reaction, but his expression changed when he noticed Nagisa frowning again. Besides, the medicine technology is more advanced now. He approached her she pouted her lip out, expecting a kiss, but her husband instead held a hand against her forehead."Are you sure you don't feel hot? Chills? Anything abnormal?" Nagisa giggled as she took his hand off her forehead."Fuji-P, it's been cured twenty-three years ago. It's the anniversary of our first date and… when you escaped death." Nagisa looked at Fuji-P for a while until she remembered both of those events. They heard a sudden click from the television which had turned off by itself."It's okay that you forgot, you look like you have a lot in your mind. Nagisa began to wave her arms frantically."A-ah, uh…h-happy anniversary!" Fuji-P just giggled at her.

futari wa pretty cure max heart

She smiled to herself as she turned to face her husband."Welcome back, Fuji-P" He smiled back at her, showing her a banquet of flowers and chocolate box to her face. Nagisa felt the sudden urge to grab its face to stretch, but her thoughts were interrupted when someone wrapped their arms around her chest. Why did it sound so familiar? Nagisa glanced back over her balcony when the image of her teenage self-appeared in her mind, a sudden yellow plushie would be smirking towards her. She frowned in concern when she recalling Saki explaining what happened yesterday and …the Pretty Cures. Nagisa then glanced over to Saki who laid on the sofa, sleeping with the television on. She looked at her watch and pushed one of the buttons lined up near its little window 10:12 am. The sun hadn't set and almost bouncing onto the hover cars yet, as it was above the city. Episode 8: Expeditions and a attack from Dark Zone! Nagisa looked over the city on her balcony.

Futari wa pretty cure max heart